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Ohio Auditor of State Honors City of Dublin for Excellence in Financial Reporting

(Dublin, Ohio) – The City of Dublin has earned the Auditor of State Award with Distinction from the Ohio Auditor of State’s office. The award is presented for excellence in financial reporting related to Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting and compliance with applicable laws for the fiscal year ending in 2023.

Only 4% of audits annually receive this award that honors excellence in financial reporting and fiscal stewardship for local governments and school districts. To receive the award, an entity must meet the following criteria, including filing a report that contains no findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, Uniform guidance findings or questioned costs.

“Receiving this recognition from the State Auditor is among the highest honors a local government can achieve,” says City of Dublin Chief Financial Officer/Director of Finance Matt Stiffler. “As a city, we are deeply committed to maintaining fiscal excellence, accountability and transparency. I’m incredibly proud of my team’s dedication to service as exceptional financial stewards for our community.”

Earlier in 2023, for the third consecutive year, the City of Dublin earned the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Triple Crown Award, which recognizes governments that have received GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award within the same fiscal year.

The City of Dublin’s financial reports are accessible via the City’s website.


About the City of Dublin, Ohio, USA
Dublin is a city of nearly 50,000 residents located just northwest of Columbus, Ohio. It offers residents and corporate citizens responsive services, attractive housing options, superior public education, direct regional highway access, abundant park space, thoughtful and strategic planning, innovative ideas and technology and a dynamic community life. Dublin is ranked the number one small city in Ohio and is consistently named one of the safest cities in the nation. It is home to more than 20 corporate headquarters, an entrepreneurial center, 4,300+ businesses, world-class events and the urban, walkable Bridge Street District. For more information, visit or call 614.410.4400.

Media Contact:
Aisling Babbitt
Deputy Director of Communications & Marketing

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